Telecom Contract Negotiations

Are you overwhelmed by the fine print in your telecom contract and the complexity of products and pricing?  Are you feeling vulnerable and unprotected, aware that you haven’t negotiated a contract in 3 years while your carrier negotiates hundreds of contracts every day? 

The reality is that carriers are very good at negotiating contracts in their favor.  They know exactly how to hide what they don’t want you to discover!  You are not alone: almost every client we’ve worked with has been taken advantage of in some way by their carrier.

We have 30 years of experience in the industry and have seen every possible scenario with a carrier agreement.  We know what carriers will let slide as well as specific clauses to watch out for.  Let us negotiate for you! 

The Process

Schedule your free 20-minute strategy session to understand how we can help.
Sign with BAZ to act as your champion.
Decide if you want to keep your current provider.  
Decide together when to begin the new negotiation.
We negotiate the best possible agreement for you and your company.
We maintain an oversight relationship for the term of the contract to protect you in the long run. 

What Success Looks Like

Confidence that you haven’t started the negotiation process too late to have any leverage over the carrier.
Confidence that you’ve signed an agreement for: the right service, with the right carrier, at the right price.
Confidence that there are no “gotcha” fine-print clauses to come back and haunt you. 
You will be perceived as a shrewd negotiator who slayed the dragon! 
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