Cellular Procurement

Are you overwhelmed by the scope of the project and your lack of experience in this space?  Are you fearful of finding the right partner who you can trust to perform on a national scale?  Are you scared of the user impact if the project doesn’t go smoothly? 

We understand how daunting a large mobile deployment can be.  We have experts who have seen every type of project and can help! 

We have been in this industry for over 30 years and have helped many clients with technology roll out projects for thousands of sites.  Baz can bring clarity to the project and pathway to glory. 

The Process

Schedule a free meeting with BAZ to determine what level of support is appropriate.
Sign the BAZ Agreement and Letter of Authorization (LOA).  
BAZ will spend time on site with you to understand the players and processes that we can incorporate and improve on.
BAZ will transition all client requests and relationships as quickly or slowly as is appropriate. 

What Success Looks Like

Better managed mobile devices with happier end users.
Quicker response times when issues arise. 
Confidence that you are getting the best deal possible. 
Internal resources will be freed to work on other internal goals. 
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