Mobile Device Audit Generates 35% Savings and Fixes Broken Processes

Mobile service costs were skyrocketing at a major US department store chain and nobody understood why. They were paying monthly service fees for over 6,200 cell phones, tablets and internet devices—without knowing which were even needed. End users were frustrated having to wait several weeks to get a new mobile device. 

BAZ identified that poor record keeping, and lack of standard practices were the culprits. With BAZ’s expertise the client disconnected 1,750 unneeded devices, fixed their broken processes and improved the user experience.

We started with the BAZ Group’s proven device identification process where we integrate wireless carrier data, the client’s mobile management records, and input from users to inventory and determine the purpose of each device. We led workshops with their team responsible for mobile device procurement and support. During these we identified process gaps, overlaps and inefficiencies and then re-designed the processes to decrease complexity, improve efficiencies and increase user satisfaction. 

The result? A streamlined process that identifies 500+ unneeded devices each year and terminates unnecessary services immediately.

This was a multi-phase, collaborative process between the client’s team and the BAZ specialists. As a result of these new processes, the client:

  • Reduced costs by 35% ($0.9M) with the initial audit
  • Generated average recurring annual savings of $350K by promptly terminating or repurposing unneeded devices 
  • Consolidated mobile device procurement function into one FTE
  • Improved user experience by significantly decreasing times for new device delivery and resolution for mobile device support requests. 

The new senior director of mobility said it best:

“BAZ is so much better than other groups we have worked with.  You push us to get better at the things we should be better at and support us with custom processes when we are not able to make these changes as quickly as we would like.”  

Unless a client has extensive experience in managing mobile services it is difficult to not only identify and remove unwanted services but to also streamline processes for efficient response to user needs.  This is where a professional consultant like BAZ Group brings benefit.  Some of the common ways companies waste money in mobile services include:

  • Failure or delays in terminating or repurposing unused devices
  • Lack of bundling services across platforms
  • Neglecting to pool data usage and talk time for multiple users

View all our Case Studies.

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